Categoria: Programa Bilíngue

18 julho de 2014

Projeto Meu Nome, Minha História/All About Me – Infantil III

Por Fernanda Moreira Lopes Fraga e Amanda Kathleen Blevins No primeiro semestre deste ano, desenvolvemos com as turmas de Infantil III I1 e I2 o projeto Meu Nome, Minha História/All About Me. Iniciamos o projeto pedindo que as crianças trouxessem fotos desde sua gestação, nascimento e atual, para a confecção de um painel. Com o […]

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7 julho de 2014

Once Upon a Time – Infantil II – I

Lorena Gutierrez “Once upon a time in a faraway land, there was a tiny kingdom; peaceful, prosperous, and rich in romance and tradition. Here in a stately chateau, there lived a widowed gentleman, and his little daughter, Cinderella,” and so this is how I recall my father telling me this well-known Grimm brothers’ tale, adapted […]

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6 maio de 2014

Science through the senses

By Lisa Maia The 1st grade English class has been learning about “Science Through the Senses”. We began our semester long project by focusing on the sense of hearing.  First, we studied how the human ear functions using educational videos, diagrams, and classroom experiment. Through Guided Play, we would hear for ourselves. Blind folded, one […]

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24 fevereiro de 2014

Media and preschool: make it count

By teacher Lorena Gutierrez Research clearly demonstrates that well-designed, age-appropriate, educational televi­sion can be beneficial to children of preschool age. With that in mind, we can also assume that other forms of media (videos, computer programs, and even games) can have a similar effect. The underlying message to parents and educators alike is to maximize […]

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